Friday, September 27, 2013

Sarah Prineas Interview

Author Interview

Sarah Prineas

Author of The Magic Thief, and the Summerkin series!               


I would just like to say thank you to Sarah Prineas for agreeing to be interviewed. I know that she must have been busy so I am super happy that I am able to post this. So once again...
 Thank you Sarah!

Without further ado, here is the interview:

Can you tell me a bit about yourself?

“I grew up on the east coast, but now I live in rural Iowa with my family and also two dogs, a cat, and three adorable goats.  The things that I love to do besides reading and writing, are going for hikes in the woods, gardening, and getting long emails from my friends.”
Which characters from any of your book series do you relate to?

“Well, I relate to all of them, one way or another, because I invented them.  The character I'm most like is Nevery because he's cranky in the mornings before he's had his tea--and I'm that way about my coffee.  I'm also a little like Rowan, because she's impatient and so am I.”
What is your favorite book?

"My favorite book of all time--that's a tough question!!  I'll try to list some of my favorites:

Picture book (tie): Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak and Four Fur Feet by Margaret Wise Brown.

Middle-grade book (tie): Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder, and A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle.

YA book: The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart

Adult book (tie): Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen and Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien and Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry."
“I'm a little nutty about books, so I couldn't choose just one!!”

How do you get your ideas for books? For characters?
“When I start writing a book, it's like meeting the characters for the first time.  As I write, I get to know them and their world, and I start to figure out what's going to happen to them.  That's when the book gets rolling, and I wake up in the middle of the night with ideas, and bring a notebook on hikes with me in case the ideas leap out of the woods at me, and really, the ideas are everywhere at that point.”
When did you decide you wanted to be an author?
“I didn't start writing until I was in my 30's!!  Before that I had a career and everything, and started writing because I was living in Germany and couldn't work there, and I needed something to do.  And wow, I discovered this thing that I *love* to do.”

What is your advice to those who want to be authors?
“I have three pieces of advice.  One: If you start something, try to finish it so you can understand what a complete story feels like. Two: Find a critique group; read their work and accept their comments on your work.  Three: (advice from one of my best writer-buddies) NEVER SURRENDER.  Writing can be hard and you can get lots of rejections, but you have to keep going past those challenges.”
Once again thank you!
“You're very welcome!  :D”
to see my reviews on her books click here , and here.
To see more of Sarah click here , to go to her website.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Long Time No Review

Dear readers

I am so very sorry for disappearing. I have been very busy with all the things that come along with being in seventh grade: homework, friends, cranky teachers, middle school drama etcetera...

I have read so many books in the last month, that I don't know where to start. I have just recently finished reading Shannon Messengers Let the Sky Fall ,  Ingrid Paulson's Valkyrie Rising (my first 13-17 drama) and many others. I will get to working on all those reviews and they will be posted very soon.

In October there will be book reviews galore! Shannon messengers Keeper Of the Lost Cities: Exiled is coming out, Jeramey Kraatz's The Cloaked Society Villains Rising is coming out, and Rick Riordan's The House Of Hades is coming out (I love the Percy Jackson series)!

I am also arranging to post an author interview every month. Please tell me what you think about it in the comment box below.

Yours Truly
Live Love to Read

Pegasus the Flame of Olympus review

Pegasus: The Flame of Olympus

Book one in the Pegasus series, by Kate O'hearen

 When Pegasus crashes onto a Manhattan roof during a terrible storm, thirteen-year-old Emily’s life changes forever. Suddenly allied with a winged horse she’d always thought was mythical, Emily is thrust into the center of a fierce battle between the Roman gods and a terrifying race of multiarmed stone warriors called the Nirads. Emily must team up with a thief named Paelen, the goddess Diana, and a mortal boy named Joel in order to return Pegasus to Olympus and rescue the gods from a certain death.
Along the way, Emily and her companions will fight monsters, run from a government agency that is prepared to dissect Pegasus, and even fly above the Manhattan skyline—all as part of a quest to save Olympus before the Olympic flame burns out.

In Pegasus the Flame of Olympus, Emily is home alone in a thunder storm, when Pegasus crash lands on her roof. with so much going on Emily seeks help from a boy named Joel. All is going well when suddenly they are attached by Nirads. To save themselves and Pegasus, Emily and Joel flee the scene with Pegasus. While on the run Emily and the gang soon find themselves face to face with two Olympians, a goddess named Diana and a thief named Palen. They are told that the only way to save Olympus and their world is to find the flame of Olympus. 

This is a truly wonderful book. I love Mythology, so when I saw this book I knew that I had to read it. I really liked the plot. I find it hard to make up a plot for mythology, especially something original.
This book also has great characters, Emily and Joel are my favourites. Another thing I like about this book is the fact that it has a heroine. This is a book for both girls and boys and for ages 8+ (I believe that you can be eighty and still be able to read these books, if you are young at heart!)

My book rating= ***** meg-a-stars

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